Norbriggs Primary School

Where Every Child Counts

Data Protection

The General Data Protection Regulation came into force on 25th May 2018.

We collect, process and store data on children, parents and staff and have a responsibility to keep that data safe.


Our Data Protection Officer is the Data Protection for Schools Team, Education Data Hub.

They can be contacted on 01629 532888 Derbyshire County Council, County Hall, Matlock, DE4 3AG

They have the responsibility of monitoring our policies and procedures associated with data and ensuring we meet current legislation.


We regularly audit what data we hold, how we use it, who we share it with and how it is stored.


Our Data Protection policy details our routines for collecting, processing, using and storing data, how long we keep data for, what happens to data that we no longer need it, how to keep data safe and what to do if there is a data breach.


Below is our Privacy Notice which explains the legal context of what data we hold and your rights.

Privacy Notice