Norbriggs Primary School

Where Every Child Counts

Equality and Diversity Awareness

In our school we celebrate equality and diversity by having awareness days to promote understanding, support and inclusion for pupils

with a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds , disabilities and medical, and gender.

Williams Syndrome Awareness


The whole school had an awareness assembly about Williams Syndrome. We have a child in school who has Williams Syndrome.


We talked about how everyone is unique and we all have differences and we should all be accepted and treated with respect and everyone has abilities and talents to be celebrated.


After the assembly, everyone in our school took part in blowing bubbles, the bubbles represent the  loss (deletion ) of genetic material from a specific region of chromosome 7. Click on the video link above to find out more.

Diabetes Awareness Day


We dressed in blue and had an awareness day about diabetes.


Supporting our Turkish Families country after the earthquake disaster

                                        We had a non uniform day to raise money and awareness.