Norbriggs Primary School

Where Every Child Counts


Welcome to our blog

The Reception team: Mrs Scragg, Miss Spetch, Mrs Abel and Mrs Otter.

Our Royal Day was a huge success and everyone looked very regal!

We  made a Victoria sponge cake named after Queen Victoria and some cucumber sandwiches. We then had a Royal afternoon tea with entertainment. We all agreed it was a splendid way to spend an afternoon.

We had Jungle jo visit us. We are focusing on our topic 'Did dragon's exist?' We met lots of animals that have similar features to dragons and we now understand how they were imagined. Scaly snakes and lizards , squirmy millipedes, tortoises with strong claws and legs and a tarantula. The children all touched a dn held these animals if they wanted to and thoroughly enhoyed learning about them.

We have been learning about how litter can hurt the animals in our outdoor environment and we decided it's important to put our rubbish in the bin.

We used litter picks to collect rubbish around school so our school is a safe place for the animals as well as us.

We enjoyed our first P.E lesson! We tried hard to find a space in the hall so we didn't pop each others bubbles, then we practised our tuck and star shapes. we talked about having good body tension so our bodies were strong nt wobbly. There were some shapes we needed good balance and body tension-these were tricky! We are goinf to practise them again.

The children have begun their school journey and have enjoyed exploring their new surroundings.

They've played happily getting to know us all and some new faces.

They've been brilliant.