Norbriggs Primary School

Where Every Child Counts

Autumn Term 2023



We re visited learning about remembrance, we paid respects and thought about those who have died in the wars.

We painted our own silhouette remembrance pictures and wrote poems to go with them,

We sketched the other half of faces of important people of WW II.

Some of them look like real photos.

We wrote our own acrostic poems about resilience  and painted trees using dots because we had looked at the story called 'The Dot'  and linked it to the proverb 'Mighty oaks grow from little acorns.'

After our 10' a day' we are chosen by drawing lollipop sticks to explain the arithmetic calculations on the board to the rest of the class . The 10 'a day questions are calculations like we will have to solve in  our SATs tests in May so it's really good practice for us.

End of term Beetle Drive

We enjoyed a competition of Beetle Drive. It got very fast and furious the more we got used to the rules.